
Parameter-Skripte enthalten Konstanten und reguläre Ausdrücke. Sie werden von integrierter oder selbst hinzugefügter Anwendungslogik benutzt, so dass Logik und Parametrisierung getrennt sind. Einige Skriptnamen sind fest vorgegeben.

E-Mail-Anhänge entfernen#

Erlaubt das Entfernen von E-Mail-Anhängen z.B. aus der Signatur, die sonst mit jeder empfangenen E-Mail als neuer Anhang abgelegt würden.

# Recurring embedded attachments like logos, signature images etc. are not 
# desired to be saved as attachments. A line starting with # is considered 
# a comment.
# The classname for this parameter script is hardcoded to EmailAttachmentRemoveRegexps, 
# if you change it, all attachments will be accepted. 
# There are three possibilities to filter attachments (or references to it): 
# see the tags below: #fileNamePatterns, #referencePatterns or #fileHashes
##fileNamePatterns: the file names matching any of the regular expressions 
# following this tag will be removed from the e-mail (files can be either attached 
# to or embedded in e-mail). The file name patterns are case sensitive. Each line 
# below should contain a regular expression (till the next tag). It might be that 
# the mail client changes the name of the embedded file to generic names and you 
# can't catch the file by name. In this case consider using #fileHashes
# add your recurring file names here.
##referencePatterns: to delete also the references to the to be removed image 
# attachments within the e-mail body,  specify reference patterns after this tag. 
# The  $cid part will be removed dynamically with the actual cid value. Each line 
# below should contain a regular expression till the next tag.
<a href=\"#\".*?><img.*?src=\"cid:$cid\".*?><\/a>
##fileHashes: list below one hashcode per line, the hashes of those files which 
# should not be added as attachments. You can get a hash for a file by right 
# clicking the item's attachment and selecting File hashcode.

E-Mail-Text manipulieren#

Entfernt alle Teile des Textes einer E-Mail, die diesem regulären entsprechen. Wird beim Empfang einer E-Mail angewendet und ist z.B. hilfreich, um umfangreiche Signaturen zu entfernen.

#The matching parts of the following  regular expressions will be cut from the e-mail body. 
# The expressions will be handled as case insensitive and multi line. The mail client might 
# add further white spaces (new lines) by formatting the e-mail so the regular expression 
# should cover these cases. Each line below should contain a regular expression to be matched:
# The classname for this parameter script is hardcoded to EmailBodyCutRegexps, if you change
# it, no text will be cut.

E-Mail nach Absenderadresse zurückweisen#

E-Mails werden abhängig von der Sender-Emailadresse zurückgewiesen. Das ist vor allem nützlich, um unendliche E-Mail-Schleifen zu verhindern. Diese entstehen z.B. dadurch, dass durch das Allegra-Benachrichtigungssystem eine E-Mail an eine inzwischen ungültige Adresse geschickt wird. Darauf hin antwortet der Mail-server, dass er den Absender nicht kennt, was von Allegra als neuer Vorgang angelegt wird, und so weiter. Hier müsste also die Mailer-Daemon-Adresse gesperrt werden.

# E-mails with sender addresses containing any of the regular expression below will be 
# rejected. The expressions will be handled as case insensitive. Each not commented 
# line below is considered a regular expression to be matched. A line starting with # 
# is considered a comment. 
# The classname for this parameter script is hardcoded to EmailSenderAddressRejectRegexps, 
# if you change it, all e-mail subjects will be accepted. This might lead to infinite e-mail 
# cycles if notification e-mails are activated and the e-mail server sends automatic answers. 

E-Mail nach Absendername zurückweisen#

Weist eine E-Mail abhängig vom Absendernamen zurück.

# E-mails with sender name containing any of the regular expression below will be rejected. 
# The expressions will be handled as case insensitive. Each not commented line below is 
# considered a regular expression to be matched. A line starting with # is considered 
# a comment. 
# The classname for this parameter script is hardcoded to EmailSenderNameRejectRegexps, 
# if you change it, all e-mail subjects will be accepted. This might lead to infinite 
# e-mail cycles if notification e-mails are activated and the e-mail server sends 
# automatic answers. 

E-Mail nach Betreff zurückweisen#

Weist eine E-Mail nach Betreff zurück (z.B. Abwesenheitsmeldungen).

# E-mails with subject containing any of the regular expression below will be 
# rejected. The expressions will be handled as case insensitive. Each not commented 
# line below is considered a regular expression to be matched. A line starting with # 
# is considered a comment. 
# The classname for this parameter script is hardcoded to EmailSubjectRejectRegexps, 
# if you change it, all e-mail subjects will be accepted. This might lead to infinite 
# e-mail cycles if notification e-mails are activated and the e-mail server sends 
# automatic answers.
automatic answer
out of.*?office
out of.*?house
Automatische Antwort
ausser Haus