Manage Item Types

Manage Item Types#

Each item belongs to an item type such as “suggestion for improvement”, “milestone” or “problem report”. You can delete, modify and add available item types. Item types are globally defined. However, you can determine which item types are actually available for each workspace type.

You must be logged in as a system manager or system administrator. You use different item types when you

  • Need items with different input masks

  • Need to assign different workflows to items

  • Need to restrict access to certain items based on roles

  • Want to distinguish items, e.g. a problem report from an error (not every problem report is based on an error)

Allegra comes with a set of standard item types. You can delete or rename the types you don’t need, this is also possible later. If you delete a used item type, the items of this type are assigned to a replacement type, which you can determine.

Item Type



Plannable items e.g. from a project structure plan with many tasks or work packages. For a project leader, it is very tedious to keep track of the status of such a task. With the help of this list and the fact that each $RESPONSIBLE takes care of the status of his work package, the project leader can easily determine the current status of his project and for example search for delayed packages.

Action Point

Non-plannable, internally created items e.g. from meetings.


Non-plannable, externally created items, e.g. support requests

Problem Report

Someone has a problem with something that is not further specified. This can be a know-how problem, a problem with the user interface or an error.


In a well-managed project, there is a project structure plan with many work packages. For a project leader, it is very tedious to keep track of the status of such work packages. With the help of this list and the fact that each $RESPONSIBLE takes care of the status of his work package, the project leader can easily determine the current status of his project and for example search for delayed packages.


A list of requirements. This allows for requirements engineering and tracing. Since attachments can be added to each item, you can add images, source code or other documents to a requirement.

Document Folder

Documents can be organized in folders.


A document is used for the wiki. It is essentially a single wiki page and can be exported into a Word document based on a template.

Document Section

A document section is a subordinate part of a document. It can be exported as a paragraph into a Word document. Document sections can contain other document sections.

The list of available item types is global. However, you can define for each workspace type which item types should actually be available in workspaces or projects of this type (see Workspace Types).

  • Go to Administration > Customize > Lists > Global Lists > Item Type

  • You can now modify, add or delete an item type. You can assign a symbol (16 x 16 px, GIF, SVG or PNG format) to each entry. You can also assign a CSS style to each entry, which is used to format items in the item overview. Each item type has a Type Flag. This has the following meaning:

  • General: This is the default type for items that do not require special behavior.

  • Task: Only item types with this type flag appear in the Gantt chart. Example: Task.

  • Document Folder: Item types with this type flag appear as folders in the wiki. Example: Document Folder

  • Document: Item types with this type flag appear as documents in the wiki. Examples: Document, Requirements, Meeting

  • Document Section: Item types with this type flag appear as sections in items of the type “Document” such as meetings or requirements.

  • Epic: Type flag for Epics

  • User Story: Type flag for User Stories


If you rename an entry, it may happen that the change is not visible on the user interface! This happens if you have certain localizations for the selection entries, which is the case for all predefined entries. In this case, the localized values are displayed and not the label that you define here.