Linking Items#

Items can be related hierarchically through parent-child relationships or freely with each other through links (links).

A parent-child relationship implies that you can only close parent items when all child items are closed.

There can also be other types of item relationships. After installation, you can use the following link types:

  • Item cannot be closed unless the linked item is closed. This is similar to parent-child behavior, but can be used outside of a hierarchical relationship. It can be useful, for example, when components are used by a series of projects.

MS Project Task dependencies offer the following sub-types:

  • Finish-start: item starts when the previous item is finished

  • Finish-finish: items must be finished simultaneously

  • Start-start: items must start simultaneously

  • Start-finish: item ends when the previous item starts

All these relationships can be extended with a time delay, like an item starting three days after the previous item has finished.

  • Item is a duplicate of the related item.

  • Item is a test case for the related item, which could be a requirement or a feature request.