Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions#

Allegra manages what users can do with items and in workspaces via “roles.” You can assign roles to users for a workspace and thereby grant them specific rights. For example, you can allow them to see other people’s items, see certain item attributes, but not others, or only see items of a certain type.

You can define any number of roles and name them as you wish. For each role, you can configure permissions.

  • Adding and Editing Roles

    As a system administrator, you can add any number of roles to your installation. This section describes how to do that.

  • Deleting Roles

    As a system administrator, you can delete roles.

  • Restrict Access to Item Types

    You can restrict access to a set of item types for each role. By default, a role can access all item types.

  • Restriction of Access to Item Attributes

    You can hide item attributes from users and make them read-only. By default, all attributes are shown and all attributes are writable, except those where it makes no sense to change them.