Adding and Editing Roles#
As a system administrator, you can add any number of roles to your installation. This section describes how to do this.
You must be logged in as a system manager or system administrator.
There are four different areas that you need to consider when defining roles:
General permissions, as described below
Assignment of RACI selection lists, as described below
Defining access to item types, see Restrict Access to Item Types for more information
Hide fields or make them read-only, see Restriction of Access to Item Attributes for more information
Permission |
Description |
read all |
You are allowed to read all items in this area, not just your own. If this flag is not set, you can only read an item if you are the author, the current manager or the current editor or are entered as an editor or reader. |
change all |
You can change all items in this area, not just your own. If this flag is not set, you can only change an item if you are the author, the current manager or the current editor or are entered as an editor. |
create item |
You can create items in this area. |
close all |
You can close any item for which you are authorized to change. This flag does not imply change permission, it is merely superimposed on the possible change permissions. |
close as editor |
You may only close an item if you are the current editor. This flag does not imply change permission, it is merely superimposed on the possible change permissions. |
close as manager/author |
You may only close an item if you are the current manager or the author of this item. This flag does not imply change permission, it is merely superimposed on the possible change permissions. |
read/change own |
You can read/change items for which you have a RACI role, even if you do not have general read/change permission. If you are, for example, the reader of an item and have no other permissions, you can only see this item. |
area admin |
You can act as a workspace administrator or manager. You can assign users to your area and set all project parameters. You can archive and delete operations, retrieve them from the archive or reactivate them. You can change the comments of other users and modify their effort bookings. You cannot create a workspace, but sub-workspaces. Areas at the top level must be created by users with system administrator rights, e.g. the system administrator (user “admin”). |
Selection list |
Description |
Manager |
This is not directly a permission flag. It indicates that your name appears in the selection list of managers when you change or create items. |
Editor |
This is not directly a permission flag. It indicates that your name appears in the selection list of editors when you change or create items. |
Editor |
This is not really a permission flag. It indicates that your name appears in the selection list of editors when you change or create items. |
Reader |
This is not really a permission flag. It indicates that your name appears in the selection list of readers when you change or create items. |
Switch to administration. In the main menu, select
>*Workspace Roles*

Click “Add” in the toolbar, or double-click on a role to edit it. Fill out the form. Explanations for each checkbox can be found in the above context description.

If you rename an entry, it may be that the change is not taken into account at the user interface! This happens if you have specific localizations for the selection entries, which is the case for all predefined entries. In this case, the localized values are displayed and not the label that you define here.
When you are finished, click the “Save” button in the toolbar area.
You have created a new role with associated permissions. You or any space administrator can now assign users in this role to the workspaces.