Configuring Diagnostic Messages

Configuring Diagnostic Messages#

Allegra can be operated with many application servers, database systems, and operating systems. Furthermore, Allegra can be configured in various ways. If there are problems in such configurations, it is very helpful for the support team to receive diagnostic messages.

Normally, the number of diagnostic messages stored by the system should be minimal during regular operation to achieve good performance and reduce space requirements.

However, sometimes it may be necessary to increase the number of diagnostic messages for certain modules to trace a problem. In this case, the “logging level” is increased for these modules. As a result, more messages from these modules are written into the log files.

Six logging levels are defined. The lowest logging level is “FATAL”, the highest is “ALL”. The standard configuration is to set all regular modules to the “WARN” level and the modules to be examined to the “DEBUG” level.

  • Switch to administration. In the main menu, select Server Administration > Logging Configuration. The screen that appears is a simple list of all Allegra modules.

  • Enter a filter expression in the filter field to reduce the list. If you want to change a logging level for a specific module, find the line with the module name and change the level using the selection box behind the module name.
