Keyboard Shortcuts#

In many areas of the software, you can use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your work. The following keyboard shortcuts are available for Windows computers:

  • Ctrl+Shift+F1 : Show keyboard shortcuts menu

  • Ctrl+Shift+H : Go to the cockpit

  • Ctrl+Shift+W : Go to the workspace cockpit

  • Ctrl+Shift+N : Switch to the navigator

  • Ctrl+Shift+I : Create an item

  • Ctrl+Shift+A : Go to the administration perspective

  • Ctrl+Shift+S : Save the directly changed values

  • Ctrl+Shift+Z : Load the original state in the Gantt view

With Ctrl+Shift+ + you can quickly create a new item when the cursor is in the item list and you have selected a workspace as the main filter. The attribute values will be taken from the workspace defaults. You need to have direct editing enabled in your user profile.

With Ctrl+Shift+ - you can close an item.