Planning work time#

In Allegra, the duration of an item and its planned effort are initially decoupled, so there is no calculation of one value from the other. The coupling occurs in Allegra in the allocation view.

Attributes for effort planning#

Allegra uses the Earned Value Method for effort planning (see The Earned Value Method). For effort planning and controlling, three values are available in the mask of each item in the Work/Costs tab:

  • Budget: The predetermined estimated effort for work time in the base plan (optional), for external projects e.g. the contract sum

  • Planned: The estimated effort for work time in the plan

  • Remaining: The estimated remaining effort to complete the item


Planning efforts for work time#

Efforts exist for work time and material costs. The material costs are not intended for the cost of work, but for materials and services. The internal representation of the work effort is always in working hours.

The conversion from working days to working hours is based on the assigned workspace calendar.

Relationship between work, duration and resources#

The intended approach for planning in Allegra is to first define the durations and dependencies of the items and then assign the resources. Attention: The estimated remaining work is always used for the work (Remaining-Work)! If the current date is between the start date and end date, the remaining duration, i.e., from today to the end date is used (Remaining-Duration). Otherwise, the entered duration is used. The relationship between work, duration and resource allocation (i.e., percentage allocation of resources) is therefore:

Resource allocation = Remaining-Work / Remaining-Duration


There is no calculation in the reverse direction, i.e., work and duration are not adjusted, when the resources are changed!