Manage Item Statuses

Manage Item Statuses#

You can extend the list of available item statuses with new ones as well as change or delete existing ones. For each item type, workspace type, or workspace, you can select which item statuses are actually available on the user interface.

You must be logged in as a system manager or system administrator.

Item statuses define the position of an item in the workflow. State names are freely selectable.

  • Go to Administration > Customize > Lists > Global Lists > Status

  • You can now change, add or delete a status. You can assign an icon (16 x 16 px, GIF, SVG or PNG format) to each entry. You can also assign a CSS style to each entry, which is used to format items in the item overview. Each state has a type flag. This has the following meaning:

  • active: “Open” states such as “opened”, “analyzed”, “implemented”, etc. The item is unfinished, further actions are required. Items in states with this flag are displayed in most views.

  • closed: “Closed” states such as “closed” or “suspended”. The item is finished, no further action necessary, or it is being moved.

  • inactive: Obsolete, should no longer be used

  • locked: Item can no longer be edited


If you rename an entry, it may happen that the change is not visible on the user interface! This happens if you have specific localizations for the selection entries, which is the case with all predefined entries. In this case, the localized values are displayed and not the label that you define here.