Full Text Search Configuration

Full Text Search Configuration#

Allegra can search items and their attachments in PDF, OpenOffice, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, RTF, and XML formats. This search needs to be configured.

You can enable or disable full text search. Full text search requires disk space, especially if many large attachments need to be indexed. The computational load of indexing can be high if a full re-index is forced during system startup.

You can enable or disable the indexing of attachments. Disabling it is useful if you have limited disk space or want to reduce the server’s computational load.

We recommend enabling the indexing of attachments.

If this checkbox is enabled, a full index will be rebuilt from scratch during system startup. This can take some time (minutes to hours) depending on the number of items and attachments in the database. During the indexing procedure, full text search will not work.

It is recommended not to perform an automatic restart at every server start. Generally, it is sufficient to do a reindex every six months or so. It is best to disable access to the system during the reindex process.

Allegra uses the Lucene full text indexing and query engine. When building the index, it is generally useful to ignore words that are not usually searched for and that occur frequently. For example, in German, words like “ein”, “der, die das”, “auch”, “aber” and so on. These words should not be indexed.

For this purpose, there are various analyzers that focus indexing on text parts that are really useful. However, this depends on the language of the text being indexed.

Here you can select the analyzer that best meets your needs. The standard analyzer is not as efficient as a language-specific analyzer but should work in all cases. If you have texts and attachments in various languages, the standard analyzer is the best solution.