
Allegra can notify users via email, in the browser, and via Slack about upcoming or already overdue items. You can set on which weekdays and how many days in advance you would like to be reminded. These settings apply for all items equally. If you want to receive item-specific reminders, place such an item in your personal file individual resubmission.

The general reminders are set in your profile. This type of reminders refers to the item attribute End, i.e. the due date of an item.


For individual resubmission, drag the items to be reminded of in the item overview into Personal File> Resubmission.

General Reminder Setting#

For the general reminders, all open, not completed items of the user in one of the RACI roles (author, responsible, manager, observer) are considered. You can limit the roles you must have for an item to be notified. You can also make a restriction regarding the priority and severity of an item, so that this is considered for a notification.

You can specify the lead time and on which weekdays you want to be notified.


Suppose an item is due on Tuesday, April 24th and you have set your profile to send reminders only on Mondays. If you set the lead time to ten days, you will receive a reminder on Monday, April 16th. In this example, you could therefore receive at worst three days before the due date of the item.

The following illustration shows the case where an item is due on Friday and reminders are only sent on Mondays and Thursdays. With a lead time of three days, the reminder is sent only one day in advance, i.e. on Thursday.


Individual Resubmission#

To provide an item with an individual resubmission date, drag it from the item overview to Personal File> Resubmission. Enter the date and save the item or items.

To remove the resubmission of items, drag them to Personal File> Trash.


Template Type



Global reminder of due items

Item reminder

Item-related resubmission