My Items#
To get a quick overview of how many items related to you are still not completed, the “My Items” widget is well suited. It clearly shows how many items you are either the original author or the current responsible or the current manager of.
The “My Items” widget requires no configuration. The panel looks as shown below. There are three columns:
Responsible: Items for which you are currently responsible
My Items: all items where you are either the author, responsible, or manager
Manager: the items for which you are responsible as a manager

Only items that are not in the “closed” state are displayed. To access the closed items, you must perform your own query, for example via the item overview.
There are also a number of rows that contain numbers with active links and a small bar chart. The top row is the sum of the items for each category. You can click on the respective number and you will get the complete list of items. This works for all numbers shown in this panel.
For each category, the numbers for each workspace they belong to are detailed. They are further divided into items that are on schedule (blue numbers) and overdue (red numbers). The charts provide a quick overview of the percentage of overdue items in relation to all items of this category and this workspace.