The first project#

Before you can work with the system, you must log in.

First login as Administrator#

After the first installation, you can log in as an administrator:

  • User: admin

  • Password: tissi

The administrator has all rights and possibilities to configure the system. However, they are not automatically authorized to access projects or workspaces. You can later equip additional users with administrator permissions.

You must change the password of the “admin” user at the first login (see also Manage User Profile).

Step 1: Create User#

Allegra is a software for teams. Therefore, it is recommended to create additional users. Later, the users can be imported from a directory server (LDAP, AD). There are two types of users:

  1. Regular users

  2. Guest users (clients)

In addition, there is an anonymous user (“anonymous”).

Further details on user management can be found under Users, Groups and Organizational Units.

Step 2: Create Project#

In order to work with the system, you need to have access to at least one project or workspace. You can easily create this with the help of the project wizard from the dashboard.