Configuring Versioning#
To use the “Versioning” feature, you must configure the relevant workspace types, item types, and workspaces.
Step 1: Configure Workspace Type for Versioning#
In the first step, enable the “Versioning” feature for the desired workspace types.

Implicit versioning causes subordinate items of a document to automatically receive a new version when the document itself receives a new version. This typically applies to document sections and embedded items. New versions of such items cannot be created directly (explicitly), but only indirectly through the (explicit) creation of a new version of the parent document.
Step 2: Configure Item Types for Versioning#
In the second step, specify for each affected workspace type and item type which item attributes should be versioned and by which method (explicit or implicit).

Implicit versioning causes subordinate items of a document to automatically receive a new version when the document itself receives a new version. This typically applies to document sections and embedded items. New versions of such items cannot be created directly (explicitly), but only indirectly through the (explicit) creation of a new version of the parent document.
As with other settings, versioning settings are inherited down to more specific configurations.
Step 3: Configure Workspace for Versioning#
In the final configuration step, enable versioning for a specific workspace.