
Replying to Emails#

You can send emails directly from the Allegra system. The responses to these emails are automatically linked with the original item.

In a support scenario, a customer sends you a request via email. From this request, the system automatically creates a new item. You can respond directly from the item to the request. The customer receives the reply email and if they respond to this email, their response is automatically added as a comment to the original item.

The synchronization of such conversations is achieved through unique markers in the email subject lines. As long as the customer does not remove these markers, an item is linked with the customer’s emails.

Email-Specific Access Permission#

Sometimes it is necessary to include people unknown to the system in the handling of a ticket. If these people then respond to an email sent by the system, a response to it should be added to the conversation of the item despite the lack of permissions of the respondent.

This behavior can be achieved by adding a token to the subject of the emails sent by the system. The function must be activated in and the email templates must be adjusted.

The following must be entered in the file (see

This affects both the automatic emails and the manually sent emails.

Furthermore, email templates of the type Item Change and Sent from item must include the token in their subject. This can be done, for example, for a template of the type Item Change as follows:

${marker} ${tokenExpression} ${changeDetail}

The ${tokenExpression} is then replaced in the email by the current token. The format of the token can be set with the Locale Editor under the key item.mail.subjectStructure.token; the default is [Token {0}].