Allegra can automatically inform you and other users about item-related activities and system events. There are four classes of notifications in total:
Notifications due to item activities
Notifications due to due or overdue items (reminders)
Notifications through a workflow activity
Notifications through system events such as the registration of a new user
The following notification channels are available to you:
Your email account
Your personal message history in Allegra
External chat programs like Slack or MS Teams
This section explains the principles and how notifications work due to item activities such as creating items or adding comments.
A complete notification configuration consists of three steps:
Definition of notification triggers
Definition of notification conditions
Assignment of notification triggers and conditions to workspaces
Item-related notifications explains how events on an item can lead to the sending of notifications.
Reminders describes the configuration and functionality of reminders via a notification channel.
System-related Notifications describes the notifications that can be sent due to system events such as the registration of a new user.
Notifications from Workflows describes how the workflow system can initiate notifications.
Email Templates describes how to customize the content and formats of notification emails.